Download Atomic Email Hunter Version 14.00 (crack incl)

Download Atomic Email Hunter Version 14.00 (crack incl)

Atomic Email Hunter is a powerful tool that extracts email addresses with usernames from webpages.
A targeted email list is the first step towards the success of your email campaign. Once you add website addresses to Email Hunter, it will harvest and collect thousands of relevant email addresses from them in minutes.
This easy-to-use program will perfectly suit your needs for email extraction using filtering rules.

Search Engine Settings
From the 68 search engines included in Email Hunter, 5 are used for search by default. You can select the ones you want to use in the email harvester. You’ll find them in the “Settings/Search Engines” section. You may select as many as you wish.

This email harvester works in a multithread mode. It can open several pages at one time. For process optimization, select a search type:
“Fast search” – Extracts fewer emails and works faster
“Detailed Search” – Extracts more emails and works slower
In either mode, the speed of the search can be increased by setting the number of threads, timeouts, and retry counts you want to use to access the website.

Atomic Email Hunter uses Internet Explorer settings by default and automatically chooses the most appropriate proxy server. We recommend manually specifying a proxy server. For this, you have to enter the proxy address and port number, your login and password. A proxy server is useful when any website blocks an IP address because it has gone over a limited number of access attempts. It also keeps the IP address hidden, making visits to the sites anonymous.

The following advanced harvesting criteria are available:
Filter by domain. Filtering by domain can limit the domains to search in (URL must contain…), or the domains to ignore (URL must NOT contain…)
Filter by URL length
Filter by email address. In “Settings/Common Settings/Email Filters,” you can specify what filters must and must not contain
Filter by priority links
Atomic Email Hunter also allows you to restrict email harvesting by link length and the total number of email addresses extracted from a single site. You have all the options and filters to create targeted mailing lists that you can use in the future for your purposes.

Atomic Email Hunter can harvest emails that are placed in JavaScript. Since this program can work with HTML code and extract emails from it, there’s the ability to optimize the work by using the option to “Parse JavaScript”. You just have to activate this option first, as it’s not set by default. After switching this option on, the program will search and collect addresses that are hidden with the help of JavaScript. In this case, you will get more emails, but the process of extraction will be slower.


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